Though cliche, the saying is sadly true. Especially in the workplace. Although it's really tough when it's you boss/superior acting like an insubordinate child who isn't getting their way. What transcends into people's minds where they hatch this idea of if you're not my best friend, than I'm going to make your life utterly miserable?
For instance, a scenario in which I don't ask about their weekend, or exactly how they're feeling can make a HUGE impact on whether or not my life at work is going to suck. I'm sorry to inform this, but I am an employee. I was hired to do a job, collect a paycheck and go home. Not only am I doing what's above and beyond that of what's expected of me, I now have to "care" about people in a way that's reserved for close family and friends. Honestly, I don't care about your day. I don't have any opinions on what you did over the weekend. It's not my place to interfere or interact with such nonsense.
Sure, I like to keep to myself. I get along with everyone, but that's still on a surface level. No need to dive into the deep end and pretend to care about something I have no interest in. Sure you want someone to care. You need reassurance that the chaos in your life will subside and that you're not alone, But I hate to break it to you, we all have issues, I'm not your mother.
The current scenario that really has me fired up, is this;
Last week, the unpredictable weather patterns were so screwed up, not only was I driving on pure ice, but the snow was coming down hard. Thick flakes of snow impairing my vision. To make matters worse, it was so cold outside, that the windshield kept frosting over to the point of having to be scraped while I was driving. I decided that since I was in an accident 2 months ago, that it would be best to stay indoors and not go in to work an overnight shift, risking my life both ways to and from work. We had been caught up from the day before, and there was no need for my extra hand this particular evening.
So I called in. It wasn't a "sick" call. I told the truth. "The weather is too bad for me to risk my life tonight. I'm going to stay inside." To which I was told "Cool bro. Stay safe" This was Saturday Night.
Sunday comes, no problems. Monday comes, No Problems. Tuesday, No Problems. Wednesday, No Problem. THURSDAY. I walk in the door, and have my boss jump down my throat as if he was cutting a promo for the world heavyweight title. Out of absolutely nowhere. All I could do was look into the distance, shrug my shoulders and move on.
I was told how "Uncool" and "Unprofessional" it was to call in that day. How it better NEVER happen again, and "Depending on my mood, I may or may not see to it that you're terminated tonight."
To think, I just got a raise. I don't have attendance issues. I've never been written up. I'm 10 minutes early EVERY night. I work diligently and quietly. Finishing up all of my work, then moving on toward other departments that may have fallen behind. Hell, they even have me training new hires and I'm not a Manager. I do it to keep the stress off the boss' back. They even have me secretly training new guys on the forklifts. Which if caught I'd be fired for doing so. But as long it helps the managers not have to do their own responsibilities, it's all good. Not only that, but just last week, he was telling me that they're lucky to have me, as I'm their go to guy whenever they're in a bind. Sooooo..... What the hell?
He then finishes belittling me, and ends the conversation snidely with, "Oh, and my weekend and daughter are fine, THANKS for asking."
Ummmm..... What? Yeah, like I'm really gonna go ahead and ASK how your day was. pfsh. Whatever "Bruh"
As I try to maintain my composure, I don't argue. I just reply with "okay" and walked away from the conversation.
Just then, it dawned on me. As he was flared up, showing his peacock feathers to me, I remembered, last January, they got rid of his inner circle. A group of young thugs with which we had worked with. The kind of guys who make you check your pockets anytime they walk by just to make sure you still have your wallet. They were a tight circle of buddies, and ran the building in an unflattering, yet intimidating way. It just so happens that a year later, they were all mysteriously hired back, and now the boss has to maintain some kind of "Thug Life" persona.
The whole ruse last night was just to show off his big dogg muscles to this buddies. WOW. and I'm "Unprofessional" and "Uncool?"
So uncool in fact, that for some reason by the end of the night, his iphone was dead. Low and behold Who's the only guy in the building with a charger? Yup. People are always nice when they need something. I guess that little white cord kept me from the chopping block to survive another night.
Maybe I should feel privileged? I try to maintain one simple rule. It's known as Wheaton's Law. Which simply put is "Don't be a dick" If more people would abide by this one simple concept, maybe the world wouldn't be such a screwed up place.
I know this has been pretty lengthy so far, but getting it out seems to help with the anxiety. Plus, if I keep making this "thing" maybe I'll let off some steam from pent up frustrations not creating for so long.
I'll keep it simple for you guys still reading. Live your life for you. It doesn't matter who can flare a bigger temper. In the end, nothing is gained, but respect is lost. Just because you say a lot, doesn't mean you have a lot to say. And just because you hold your tongue, doesn't mean you're weak. I'll leave you with those thoughts to mull around until next time. And until then, Don't be a dick.
If you keep posting these type of posts I'm going to have to start sharing them with my readers and friends. :)